Monday, March 21, 2011

Update from Leslie

Dear All,
The 8 who were able to make it on Saturday to the Green Creek Pace all had fun. We can track results on in a day or two, though as we all went Trail Rider division so it's pretty hard to get competitive about it. More importantly, everyone had fun! Some were riding in independent teams for the first time and Katheryn was out for the first time, so everyone had plenty of opportunities to learn as well as to have fun with friends. All tack was cleaned, horses were taken care of, and the trailer cleaned such responsible young horsewomen! I am as usual bragging that I have the best kids in the world! Nick took pictures which he is planning to share!
For our Pace, my thoughts are that kids who signed up for horses in January but were rained out should get first dibs, and I will honor those sign ups. If you had a horse for the Jan dates and can not make the Apr date (no raindate!), please let me know, as we have several riders who would very much like to get a horse for this pace! 
Upcoming dates:
April 2  Carolina Cup Steeplechase in Camden.
Apr 16 Our Pace which will cancel lessons, but I will need volunteers.
Apr 23 Blockhouse Steeplechase. Admission is by car pass, which is expensive, but if you cram lots of people in or on the vehicle the price can be broken down to a more reasonable fee! Check with Tryon Riding and Hunt Club, which is a Chamber of Commerce type organization! Bob and I officiate, but barn will be open.
The following weekend is Rolex and our group is going up Apr 28, dressage 29th, XC 30th(where Bob, Lindsey and I officiate), Stadium Jumping and return home May 1. Laurie will run the barn in my absence.
Hickory Top is May 7, and that closes the barn, as so many lesson horses will be going to compete. 
Our Spring horse show is May 21. Then I may collapse in a small but happy heap! And get up to look forward to "camps"!